Crowd sourcing has taken a whole new meaning with, a mobile portal dedicated to collecting news and branding content from all over the world.
Sign up to join and you could find yourself selling news footage to the local TV station with the added incentive of having been paid for it. In my experience, only Alamy offers news gathering potential for photos. Scoopshot hopes to do the same with a slightly different flavor. Brands who need photos can offer bounties to photographers with specific location requirements. Think of it as a contest of sorts where only the best pictures win.
News stories too will be of interest, especially those with a lifestyle slant but the quality of imaging you get for US$5 is telling. Most of the shots are quite badly taken so I am not sure if that will qualify for a sale. You can submit as many photos you want but in the end, it's only a handful that gets sold.
What's My Reward?
Let's not get into specifics and dive into what it offers YOU as a photographer. There are several caveats that you should be aware of:-Use the ScoopShot App for iPhone, Windows Mobile and Android
Get Paid only when people buy your Photos
Photos are sold at US$5 but all you get is US$2.50
From the looks of it, it could be doable but only if you are not out looking for things to happen. Each task only pays you, the photographer, US$2.50 and that's hardly enough to buy coffee if you lived in Helsinki.
Another point worthy of mention is editing of your photos of any kind is not allowed. So forget about those Instagram filters or tilt-shift effects, your photos will be rejected.
Que Sera, Sera
You will not get rich, not from Scoopshot's meager rewards nor would you be winning a trophy to proclaim your mobile photography skills. In fact, it is good fun attempt at smartphone photography for the young ones.The crowd sourced imagery has no real financial benefit unless you're out for some fun. Smartphone photography is here to stay and you'd be quite challenged to see if the gadget you invested in could earn you some beer money instead of paying the mortgage of your car. So whatever you do, don't quit your day job over this.
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